The 4 Keys To Career Advancement
Learn how to overcome frustration and advance in your career by driving more value for your business and effectively position yourself in the organisation.

Tom was stuck.

He worked in the tech industry and told me that he was tired of those around him moving up in the organisation whilst he stayed at the same level. He was also being paid the same amount whilst his workload continued to increase. Tom's story is one that many have shared with me and it's likely be one that sounds familiar to you.

Tom came my way because he was looking for someone who was a Certified Career Advancement Coach with a track record of success.
When working with a Career, Business or Executive Coach, it's always worth checking these things.

The first thing I had to agree with Tom was that career progress depended on positive attitude and hard work - you see my coaching is for ambitious individuals looking to reach their dream job, be paid their true worth or grow their own business. It is not for people who blame everyone else or aren't prepared to commit. 

Tom like many was struggling with the following:

- He lacked self-worth because he felt the organisation didn't appreciate him.

- He felt helpless because there was no route for making progress.

- He was unbelievably frustrated!

The thing is none of these were his real problem, these were just symptoms of other root causes - Tom needed to implement the 'Career Advancement 4 Key Strategy'.

Once he switched to this strategy, Tom gained control:

- He was seen as too valuable to continually be underappreciated by his business.

- He could ask to be paid his true worth and for the business to think it was a good investment.

- He had a clear means to overcome his impostor syndrome.

Once Tom implemented these steps, he knew how to place himself as an expert in his tech organisation.

Let me show you how you can do the same...


In every industry, there are people who provide great value to others and there are those who provide mediocre value or even actually add cost to their business. Of these, who do you think progresses and is paid the most money? Obviously providing the most value wins! The issue is many people lack clarity on how to provide exceptional value and reduce their cost to the business. There are 8 areas to master, after which you will become undeniably valuable to your organisation.

Have you ever been in the position where you feel you provide a great product or are performing well but others around you are  being promoted? The reason is you haven't positioned yourself well enough as an expert with a specific, valuable skill-set.  If you learn how to do this, you'll have raving fans who will think of you first when it comes to new opportunities. Also, being able to  communicate the true value of your work is where the leverage to get that salary increase comes from.

One of the biggest errors I see when coaching professionals is that people believe they will finally overcome their impostor syndrome once they advance to the next level. Of course moving up in the world makes us feel good but guess what happens when you reach the next level? You have new problems, new people to report to and new reasons to feel like an impostor. Developing confidence before moving up, not only makes you better at your current job but it prepares you for the next one. We need to find measurable actions that we can control and from which we can build our confidence.
4. Get a Certified Career Coach
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Let's start from the beginning...



After multiple unsuccessful IVF attempts, my parents finally had me - to their sheer delight (I hope). I guess that's how I learnt about perseverance...



At school, due to being part Jewish, the kids would score points on who could be the most abusive.



My dream was to be a professional footballer. Growing up in football academies, I was close to succeeding but an injury ended that pursuit. I felt I no longer had a purpose...
But after my first ever talk in 2012, an audience member said after:

"thank you for reminding me, it doesn't matter how others label me, I label myself".

I then realised that...

P.S. Do you want to know how I came up the brand name Self-Belief Chief?

I knew I was going to help people with confidence - then I saw Robin Williams give an inspiring speech in Good Will Hunting, where he says to Matt Damon "your move Chief". 

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